What!? Two whole posts in a single day!? Yep. Why? Porque puedo. Actually, there are some other things I want to talk about that are quite unrelated to OpenGL so it would feel weird if I clamped them together.
I came across a (yet another) godlike community based on (of course) the Wayado, and I couldn't be happier. If you were ever part of such a group, you surely realized that these are overflowing with interesting people, and above all, the traits that I value the most are creativity and originality, although I am not particularly creative nor original myself. And I figured that I can learn from people like them (that is mainly why this website exists in a first place kek).
God I love the Wired. I love lain!.
On a side note, I have been reading a thing or two about stoicism, a school of thought that was deeply admired by Richard Harris, who later wrote some ideas on it. I think that reading the emperor's lessons is worth it because I might get something out of it.
Nostalgia sucks.